Sunday, September 12, 2010


Visit us at The Mega Flea Market 3 (Singapore Expo Hall 3B) on 26,27,28/11/2010 from 10 am - 10 pm to see our full range of Rings! 
Visit us at Tai Hwan Terrace Flea Market (just beside the playground) on 18/9/2010 from 5 - 9:30pm to see our full range of Rings!

My Heart's Desire oversize ring @ $8 each
Ring is adjustable to finger size
My fav! Sweet Little Ribbon Ring @ $8 each
A modern chic ring that is suitable for both work and play
@ $12 each
3 square pieces on the ring. The middle piece is blue (as per the pic) while the both ends are pale blue in colour
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star @ $4
$7 for a pair
A perfect combination of 2 rings to create a whimsical effect

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